Ngayuku Ngura (My Country) 209-24, 2024167 x 152 cm$8,500
Oh my horizon, 2024100 x 100 cm$4,200
Super Fine Day, 202490 x 150cm$5,800
Nothing is impossible, 202490 x 90 cm$3,100
Bowl of Shells, 202428.5 x 25.5 cm$950
Terrarium #3, 202023 x 25 cm$950
Terranium #5, 202417.5 x 18 cm$650
Misty Morning Glen Alice, 202487.5 x 132.5 cm$6,300
Blue Sky Days, 2024122.5 x 92.5 cm$6,800
Skywards, 2024122.5 x 92.5 cm$6,800
Light Falling Through A Goblet, 202437 x 34 cm$1,100
Conjecture revisited, 2024115 x 100 cm$3,900
Easy Times, Champ, 202492 x 92 cm$3,400
We diesappeared, only to return many many years later, 202482 x 102 cm$3,400
An absence, 202484 x 98 cm$3,400
We raised an army, 202476 x 76 cm$2,500
Casual Viewing, 202465 x 70 cm$1,800
Big Dog Barking, 202366 x 85 cm$2,200
Tasmanian Wombat, 202366 x 85 cm$2,200
Wombat On Grass, 202366 x 85 cm$2,200