A congregation of hand-made, quality products, sourced from the environs of our mighty
Murrurundi, being. A Big Brown Dog Goats Milk Soap, and our Linda, not only rejects all things artificial and chemically additive, our Linda milks her own goats. She does. Our Linda also makes the Hand & Foot Balm and Bath Bomb, again all natural to the point of simply luxurious. And to light the way, a longer lasting Big Brown Dog Candle. Beautiful.
$88 packaged & posted to anywhere in Australia.
A Pamper Hamper
In stock
A congregation of hand-made, quality products, sourced from the environs of our mighty
Murrurundi, being. A Big Brown Dog Goats Milk Soap, and our Linda, not only rejects all things artificial and chemically additive, our Linda milks her own goats. She does. Our Linda also makes the Hand & Foot Balm and Bath Bomb, again all natural to the point of simply luxurious. And to light the way, a longer lasting Big Brown Dog Candle. Beautiful.
$88 packaged & posted to anywhere in Australia.